PriSec, what the heck is that?

Even if you are an occasional listener to the Help Me With HIPAA podcast, I am sure you have heard Donna and or David talk about how HIPAA is the floor when it comes to privacy and security protections. That’s right. Even if you are doing HIPAA to the T, you are only doing the bare minimum to secure your patients data. This has bothered both Donna and David because even though they know there is still a great need to help listeners understand the HIPAA regulations, there is so much more to do when it comes to Privacy and Security. Alas, the PriSec Boot Camp was born. Listen to Episode 344, Help Me With PriSec to learn all about our upcoming Privacy and Security Boot Camp, held at the Hyatt Regency in Louisville, KY Sep 12-15, 2022. Wow, that name has a ring to it! Maybe they should create a second podcast??

Just to be clear, even though we are having this at a cool hotel, in a cool city, don’t think the PriSec Boot Camp is a “come and relax, hear some folks talk and maybe you will learn something” conference. Heck no, this is specialized, intense training. If you have been to the HIPAA Boot Camp, then you know we don’t play. We describe the PriSec Boot Camp as the HIPAA Boot Camp on steroids. Needless to say, that description did not pass muster with our internal FTC, a/k/a Karla.

So, what does PriSec stand for? Privacy and Security, but that was way too long to have as a URL. So, as nerds do, Donna and David shortened it to PriSec and David really wants everyone to know how to spell it.

You may be asking yourself, who should be coming to this training? We recommend technical and non-technical people. The very cool part of the PriSec Boot Camp is that we will give you the “Why” you need to do the Privacy and Security and the “How” to do it by breaking the technical and administrative/non-technical viewpoints into two different paths. That way the administrative folks get more in depth training on the “Whys” while technical folks learn more about the “Hows”.

Listen to Help Me With PriSec, Episode 344 of the Help Me With HIPAA podcast to learn more about the theme for each day of the PriSec Boot Camp. Then hop over to the and get signed up! We do have limited seating and we are asking each company to send up to 3 people only. That will give more businesses a chance to participate. Hope to see you at the PriSec Boot Camp at the Hyatt Regency in Louisville, Kentucky September 12 – 15, 2022!

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PriSec HIPAA Boot CampSpecialized training for privacy and security officers.

May 13-16, 2025

Limited Seats – Annual Event

Early Bird Rate Ends April 13