Check out this week’s focus of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM): If you connect it, protect it. The smarter our homes get the more entry points the cybercriminals have into our privacy and home networks. Help make your employees more aware of things they can do to help protect themselves. As they become aware of how important it is to protect their own privacy, it usually translates to them being more aware of privacy and security concerns at work.
For this first week of NCSAM, the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) provide several resources you can share with your employees to protect themselves and their connected devices at home. They include:
- CYBERSECURE YOUR SMART HOME – an information and “take-action tips” sheet
- CYBERSECURE YOUR SMART HOME – a short video to share
Don’t forget to include educating the whole family, including the kids. Check out these cool resources:
- STOP|THINK|CONNECT – tips, advice, and additional resources for everyone
- Online Gaming TIps for Kids, Tweens, & Teens – staying safe while playing games online
Send your staff this information and stay tuned for next week’s topic. Security Devices at Home and Work.