Kardon Blog

Security & Privacy News

Keeping you informed and enlightened.

Vacation and Holiday Security Tips

Vacation and Holiday Security Tips

Let's get real about vacations and holidays – they're not a free pass to toss security out the window. Nope, it's actually prime time to be a security ninja, watching out for yourself and your gear. Donna and David are spilling the beans on all things security in the...

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You Burn One, You Burn Us All

You Burn One, You Burn Us All

Listening to the Help Me With HIPAA podcast episode, How One MSP Handled a Ransomware Attack - Ep 422, was a bit like stepping into a time machine. It didn't transport me back to the moment of the incident itself, but rather to a time etched in the collective memory...

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Cyber Resiliency Landscape

Cyber Resiliency Landscape

Donna and David give us a big picture view of the recently released Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative Landscape Analysis in the Help Me With HIPAA podcast episode Cyber Resiliency Landscape – Ep 407. This is an analysis done by the HHS 405(d) task group and focuses...

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False Sense of Security

False Sense of Security

As Donna takes some time off, David scores an awesome co-host for the Help Me With HIPAA podcast, False Sense of Security – Ep 404. Gary Salman, the CEO of Black Talon Security, discusses threats his company is seeing in the cyber world and explains how businesses can...

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Does HIPAA Guarantee Access to Records?

Does HIPAA Guarantee Access to Records?

Listen to the Help Me With HIPAA podcast Does HIPAA guarantee access? – Ep 397 to hear Donna and David discuss who actually is and isn’t guaranteed access to patient records. Also, hear how OCR is going to tackle the backlog of complaints. Donna and David give you...

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Dental Offices Meet OCR

Dental Offices Meet OCR

3 Dentists and an OCR officer walk into a bar. The first dentist says, “HIPAA doesn’t apply to us”, the second dentist says, “Yes it does, but I am not big enough for OCR to care about” and the third dentist says, “I think we should all change our way of thinking.”...

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What do Amazon, Facebook and PHI have in common?

What do Amazon, Facebook and PHI have in common?

PHI is sitting at a bar and Facebook and Amazon walk in. They say….”Hi, PHI, guess what we have in common?” and PHI replies…..”More than we should!” That is right, Amazon and Facebook have hooked up with PHI and it is not a match made in heaven. Listen to Amazon,...

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Hello, Verizon Calling

Hello, Verizon Calling

In episode 359 of Help Me With HIPAA podcast, Donna and David talk about the 6 Takeaways of the 2022 Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report. Listen to the podcast to hear all 6 takeaways, but the one that is really impressive, and not in a good way, is the one...

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Do you have MICE?

Do you have MICE?

In most of the Help Me With HIPAA podcasts, Donna and David tell you that technology can not be the solution to everything. That may be true, but in Do you audit your EHR logs? - Ep 329, Ray Ribble, CEO of SPHER has created a fantastic solution that can certainly save...

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Reality is not always kind

Reality is not always kind

In 3 Harsh Realities - Ep 345 of the Help Me With HIPAA podcast, Donna and David sidelined the Easter Bunny, burn the Elf on the Shelf and send Bambi out to fend for itself during deer season. Just kidding! Donna and David did talk about the article that Sonya Duffin...

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No Better Time to Get Started

Privacy and security programs require persistent care and monitoring. There will never be a better time to get started.