
When patient healthcare information and privacy are at stake, no one solution is going to solve all issues. That is why we provide our clients with a variety of ways to manage their security and privacy efforts. We have thoroughly vetted these tools that help keep patient data secure and monitor your compliance progress so that no stone is left unturned.



ComplyAssistant Compliance Management Software

Manage everything with one comprehensive tool.



This cloud-based software application is designed to be a central point of management and documentation for your internal compliance program. With this powerful tool, you can manage all of your documentation and contracts as well as projects, audits and assessments. Available as either a monthly or annual subscription, ComplyAssistant builds your compliance book of evidence and improves your compliance program documentation, saving time and money.



SPHER Solution

Keep an eye on inappropriate internal system access.


The number one problem in healthcare is insider access failures. A Kardon business partner, SPHER provides a cloud solution that regularly audits access logs from your EMR/EHR systems along with any other applications that can generate an access log. Monitoring your PHI access logs, SPHER detects and reports problems quickly, so the situation can be addressed and corrected right away.


Anonymous Tip Line

Find out about violations before they become big issues.


While you never want your patients to feel their privacy is being violated, if they do, you definitely want to know about it! We can set up and monitor a toll-free number for your patients and staff to report HIPAA concerns anonymously. We then take the information and pass it along to your compliance team. By providing an anonymous communication option, your staff can confidently report potential issues without worry of repercussions, allowing you to know exactly what’s going on so together we can resolve any issues and create procedures to avoid them going forward.


If you’re ready to discuss how to secure your patient data with advanced tools, contact Kardon today to talk about your options.


PriSec HIPAA Boot CampSpecialized training for privacy and security officers.

May 13-16, 2025

Limited Seats – Annual Event

Early Bird Rate Ends April 13